Lesson Planning

5 Tips That Will Increase Teacher Productivity at School

5 Tips That Will Increase Teacher Productivity at School

Have you ever been the last one in the parking lot at school? If not, high five to YOU for mastering your teacher productivity! I have been the last car more times than I want to admit. Honestly, it’s all because I wasn’t great at using my time productively during the...

How to Customize and Set Up the Perfect DIY Teacher Planner

How to Customize and Set Up the Perfect DIY Teacher Planner

Many teacher planners available on the market are quite expensive and not customizable. If you want a lesson planner that is tailored specifically to your needs, then you may want to consider creating your own. This guide is filled with tips and tricks and will show...

What Teachers Need to Know About Curriculum Mapping

What Teachers Need to Know About Curriculum Mapping

Curriculum mapping is a process that helps teachers understand what students must know and be able to do after teaching, how content will be taught, and how learning outcomes will be assessed. Creating a curriculum map at the beginning of the school year allows...

3 Simple Ways to Save Time Lesson Planning

3 Simple Ways to Save Time Lesson Planning

The first few years that I was in the classroom, I spent far too much time lesson planning each week. For some reason, I thought the more time I spent planning, the better of a teacher I was becoming. If you scroll far enough back in my Instagram feed, you'll see...

Put Together a Substitute Binder and Save Yourself Time Later

Put Together a Substitute Binder and Save Yourself Time Later

If you get sick often or have children that you need to stay home and care for from time to time, you know it's always important to have a plan in place in case you need a substitute. You can easily prep ahead of time for a sick day or emergency, so at a moment’s...

How to Save Time Planning with Airtable

How to Save Time Planning with Airtable

Do you have tons of digital curriculum resources you never use in a school year because you forget you bought them? Or maybe your district purchased subscriptions to curriculum websites, but you forget to look for content to use with lessons. (I'm looking at you,...

How to Plan for Back to School in 5 Easy Steps

How to Plan for Back to School in 5 Easy Steps

Creating a plan for back to school was always my favorite task. A clean slate and a chance to get reorganized. A new group of kids excited to learn new content and participate in all of the fun, hands-on projects you're known for incorporating into the curriculum. New...

My DIY Discbound Teacher Planner and Free Printable Bookmarks

My DIY Discbound Teacher Planner and Free Printable Bookmarks

At the beginning of June, I moved from Utah to North Carolina. I will be teaching 5th grade in a year round school and have Meet the Teacher night on June 28th! I got a jump on updates for my teacher planners early this year (thank goodness) and finished them in...

2015-2016 Teacher Planner

2015-2016 Teacher Planner

Last week I finally finished up all the updates on my teacher planner. After taking a mental break from the thought of school, I customized my own planner and put it together. I absolutely love every bit of it and can't wait to start planning with my team this week....

2014-2015 Chevron Teacher Planner

2014-2015 Chevron Teacher Planner

Teachers love organization, which means they love a good teacher planner! The chevron teacher planner that I've created can be fully customized to fit YOUR needs! See what I include in my planner and how it's all set up. One of the most popular posts on my blog is my...

2013-2014 Chevron Teacher Planner

2013-2014 Chevron Teacher Planner

I've created a chevron teacher planner that includes everything you could possibly need! I love the fact that I can customize everything in my planner so it only includes exactly what I need for my classroom. See how I set my planner up this year! Last year, I created...