Editable Monthly Calendar Templates 2025 - 2027 | Printable & Digital
Use these editable Monthly Calendars for personal or classroom planning, monthly calendars you send home to parents, or in your teacher planner or binder. There are two options to choose from - a one-page vertical calendar or a two-page spread calendar. If you prefer to use the calendars digitally, you can do that with the included Google Slides version.
This resource currently includes January 2023 through December 2027. You will be able to download future updates for FREE!
What's better than having multiple years of calendars at your fingertips that you can edit, use digitally or print, AND only pay once rather than buy a new calendar every year? These calendars give you FREE updates that keep you productively planning year to year.
Save 45% by purchasing this resource in a bundle to create a complete Teacher Planner or Binder!
- Editable PowerPoint files – PowerPoint is required to use this resource
- Editable Google Slides™ files – a Google account is required to access and use the files
- Basic editing/formatting instructions
Dated calendars for January 2023 - December 2027
Type into the calendars to add events, student birthdays, and more
Two options for your layout – one-page or two-page spread
- Please note: The month, year, and small next month calendar on each page are not editable and are a part of the page background
- Last updated on 02.13.2023
- Zipped Files: This resource includes more than one file and is zipped. You will need to unzip the file to access the resources.
- PDF: This resource requires Adobe Reader (free software).
- PowerPoint: This resource requires PowerPoint software installed on a PC or Mac to access. It has not been tested with other presentation software.
- Google Slides: To access the Google Slides version, you need to have a (free) Google account. Once you download this resource, you will receive a PDF with a link to access the digital resource. The link will prompt you to make a copy of the resource, which will add it to your Google Drive.
Please ask ALL questions before purchasing.
© The Learning Effect, LLC | Tiffany Schmidt
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses at a discounted rate for additional users.
Intended for classroom and personal use only.