
Statistical Displays Game Show | 6th Grade Statistics Math Review Activity

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Statistical Displays Game Show | 6th Grade Statistics Math Review Activity
Product Details

Make reviewing Statistical Displays fun and interactive with this Jeopardy-style game, designed for 6th grade students. This game covers math skills like line plots, histograms, box plots, data distributions, and line graphs, making it a great choice for end-of-unit or end-of-year review.


Save 30% by purchasing this resource in a bundle with 18 game shows covering all 6th grade standards


  • Student-Approved: Students love the game format and frequently ask to play again
  • Easy Setup: Simple to launch and play, so you spend less time prepping and more time reviewing
  • Engages All Students: Every student participates, making it an excellent tool for whole-class involvement


  • Interactive Game Board: Features an interactive design with fading values for selected questions (available in PowerPoint version; Google Slides version does not support fading feature)
  • Variety of Questions: 5 game categories with 5 questions each, plus a final challenge, giving you 26 questions total
  • Easy Navigation: Each slide has buttons for quick access to answer slides or the game board


  • Gameplay Instructions: Clear guidelines for easily setting up and playing the game
  • Answer Key: Printable quick reference for during gameplay
  • Team Labels: Printable labels to keep track of scores
  • Versatile Formats: Available in both PowerPoint and Google Slides versions


  • Whole-Class Activity: Form teams and have students take turns in the "hot seat" to represent their team, using whiteboards for answering
  • Virtual Learning: Share your screen in online classes for an interactive group experience
  • Small Groups/Centers: Set up the game on computers for peer-to-peer competition
  • Individual Play: Students can play solo, testing their knowledge and reinforcing learning
  • Learning Stations: Incorporate the game into learning stations for a rotational learning experience


  • Zipped Files: This resource comes as a zipped folder containing multiple files. You’ll need to unzip the folder to access all the resources.
  • PDF: To view and use the PDF files, you’ll need Adobe Reader (a free download). Using other PDF software may cause formatting issues.
  • PowerPoint: This resource requires Microsoft PowerPoint. Please note that it hasn’t been tested with other presentation software. If you don’t have PowerPoint, you can use the provided Google Slides version instead.
  • Google Slides: Access the Google Slides version using the link provided in the included PDF. You’ll need a (free) Google account to use this file.


⚠️ This resource is not editable. The questions cannot be altered or customized.
⚠️ The questions used in this resource are also available as a Google Slides Activity.

© The Learning Effect, LLC | Tiffany Schmidt
All rights reserved.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only. Purchase additional licenses at a discounted rate for multiple users. Intended for classroom and personal use only.

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